NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.



A Detailed explanation on the disease was given by Dr.Babu Manohar followed by Dr.Nehal Patel who talked on the pathogenesis of the disease . Dr. George Paul shared the dental aspects and intra oral manifestations of the disase and also questioned on the pathogenesis and the extra oral involvement of the disease ,to the other expert panelists.Case presentations was done by Dr. Nehal Patel and Dr.Nisar Sonam Poonam .The presentation was later passed on to by Dr.Ram Gopalakrishnan who talked on the recommended medication, respective dosages and existing protocols. later, a short conclusive discussion was done by the panelists followed by questioning session for the participants .

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021