NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.



The college has 5 Classrooms fitted with audio-visual aids, 4 seminar rooms with visual aids. Two of the classrooms and the 4 seminar rooms are airconditioned.

In order to make the learning student centric, strategies are evolved at self directed learning, problem solving including PBL, small group discussions, student seminars, tutorials, quiz and symposiums are conducted during theory classes. Emphasis on recent advances ensures lifelong learning. Regular Continual dental education programs are organized and the student’s participation in these CDE programs, conferences and workshop instill the importance of lifelong learning.

Students are encouraged to participate in paper and poster presentation which involves referring books and journals and also conduct surveys. This exercise also exposes them to public speaking, improve communication skills, soft skills, imagination, creativity, scientific temperament, evidence based dentistry and gain confidence. The students organize programs in the college thereby gaining organizational skills.

Journal clubs and seminars are conducted in the departments induce them to refer journals and books and research for evidence based literature improving their self directed learning. Learning is made more interactive and innovative by preclinical work exposure, demonstrations and working on mannequins and in clinics. Phantom head laboratory and skills lab are present for hands on training in various skills in patient care for students.

E-learning is used by the staff for teaching. Prerecorded CD’s, live surgical procedures, video lectures, webinars and Power point presentation of lectures are available for staff, students, in the library. The lecture notes, PPT, Question bank, seminars, videos are all uploaded in the DRSR-JAPAR to enable the students for remote access to gain knowledge and prepare for their exams. Some procedures are uploaded by the faculty in the You tube for Video assisted learning. There are also blogs and Google classrooms for student learning and evaluation.

  • Blogspot by Dr Narasimhan Prosthodontist: Click
  • Tooth carving steps uploaded in you tube by Dr Makesh Raj of Dept of Oral Patholgy Click
  • A blogspot has also been started by the Department of Pedodontia& Preventive Dentistry- Click
  • Google classroom of Department of Periodontia- Click
  • Google classroom of Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery- Click
  • Teaching and learning facilities during COVID – 19 Click here
  • ICT Enabled tools Click here
  • Creativity & Analytical skills used for teaching Click here

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021