NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.


  • The student must be present at his designated stop on time.
  • At no instance, the student must contact the driver and ask to him to wait.
  • The student must behave well with other staff and students travelling in his bus.
  • The student must treat the driver properly.
  • The student must not damage any property within the bus.
  • The student must help to keep the bus clean.
  • The student must not get involved in any deleterious activity like ragging his juniors.
  • The student must maintain strict discipline during his journey.
  • The student must carry his ID card always.
  • The student must use only the assigned route, and if there is any change it should be brought to the notice of the transport in charge prior.
  • Ensure the proper seating arrangement in the bus. Few seats may be earmarked for the staff members who travel regularly. Standing if any may be informed.
  • Maintain strict discipline while traveling in the bus. Keep vigil over the senior students during the beginning of the year (after the first year classes are started) to prevent ragging in the bus. Any incident of ragging must be brought to the notice of concerned persons.
  • Transport Routes-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11(1a), 12

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021