NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.



There are 4 preclinical laboratories which are well equipped for teaching, demonstration and for doing the procedures.

  1. Preclinical Prosthodontic laboratory has more than 150 work spots which handles the first and second year students.
  2. The Preclinical conservative laboratory has 60 mannequins to develop skills for performing conservative dental procedures.
  3. Phantom head lab of Prosthodontics helps students in preclinical work of crown preparation. There are 60 phantom head units for the same.
  4. The preclinical Lab of Oral Histology & anatomy and Oral Pathology has 30 microscopes for visualising histology sections and also have provision for tooth carving.

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021