The Right to Information Act, 2005 sets out the practical regime of Right to Information for citizens to enable them to access the information under the control of public authority in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of such authority. Section 4(1)(b) of the Act defines "public authority" as any authority or body or institution of self-governance established or constituted by or under the constitution or by law made by the Parliament or any state legislature or by notification issued by the appropriate government: It includes body owned, controlled or substantially financed by the government. In accordance with the provisions contained in section 4(1)(b) of the Act, Right to Information means right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under control of a public authority. This Information Handbook will enable the citizens to obtain information as to the provisions contained in various rules and regulations governing the Tagore Dental College & Hospital and related information.
Tagore dental college & Hospital was started in 2007 with an intake of 100 students by Tagore Education Trust by the philanthropist Prof M Mala. Seven batches of students have completed their internship and the 12th batch of students will be admitted this academic year 2018-19.The students are encouraged to participate in academic activities like attending conferences, presenting papers and posters, academic competitions like quiz and essay writing. They also participate in intercollegiate cultural activities and sports. They have won prizes, awards and certificates for their performances.
Office & College 8.30am – 3.30 pm. - Monday to Friday (except on public holidays). 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. - Saturday
A three level system is followed viz. Departmental, Staff Council and Governing Body, as follows:
Matters pertaining to allocation of workload among the teachers and staff, pattern of assignments, in house exam question papers etc. are resolved in Departmental meetings. The decisions of the meetings are maintained by the concerned departmental head. Grievances if any are addressed at these meetings.
Matters pertaining to college as a whole viz. short term courses, organization of cultural/extra curricular activities etc. The Staff Council comprises of the Principal and teaching faculty.
Matters pertaining to academic, administrative and financial decisions are taken by the Governing Body in consultation with the Principal. Academic decisions related to introduction/deletion of Courses, recommendations received from Staff Council etc. are placed before the Governing Body for approval. Administrative decisions may relate to creation of new posts, approval of selection committees, grant of study/extraordinary leave, promotions etc. Financial decisions relate to approval of budgets, revision of fees, management of Provident Fund, audit of accounts etc. Grievances may be referred to the GB for redressal as the final arbiter.
There are anti ragging committee, gender harassment committee, student’s grievances committee, where the students can voice their grievances and get them redressed.
The Principal is the principal-academic and chief executive officer of the college. He is responsible for administration, organization, instruction and management of affairs of the college, as stipulated in University Calendar / Ordinance. Powers and duties of other authorities including faculty / administration, library and laboratory staff are also in accordance to the laid down rules and regulations of the college as stated in the HR Manual.
The person seeking information may apply on a plain paper giving particulars of information being sought and his correct address for communication. Separate application for seeking information on different subjects is required. The application has to be accompanied with the prescribed fee. (At present a fee of Rs. 100/-). The fee is payable with each application which is towards the cost of processing the request. Schedule of fees can be had from the Public Information Officer of the Tagore Dental College & Hospital.