Students should maintain strict discipline and follow all the rules and regulations of the college inside and outside the college premises.
Should be dressed in a neat, modest and befitting manner. Jeans and tight fitting dresses are not permitted. Salwar Kameez and Chudidhars are recommended for girls. Coat must be worn in clinical and practical classes.
Should attend classes/clinics/laboratory regularly. Students should be in time for lecture classes, labs, tests, exams and be regular in submitting records and assignments.
A minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory for each year of study, in order to appear for the university exam. Certified practical and clinical records should be submitted before the University Examinations.
Students should attend all Terminal exams and model exam which asses the students for their internal assessment marks. Abstaining from tests will be liable for punishment except in case of valid grounds. Students with poor performance in class tests or model examinations will have to take a retest. Those students whose performance has not improved will not be permitted to take the University examinations.
Students must maintain strict silence in the classes or laboratory.
Use of cell phone in the campus is banned.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited inside or outside the college premises. Students involved in ragging will be expelled from the college immediately and handed over to the police. Any complaints regarding ragging should be made to the Principal immediately. Eve teasing is strictly against the laws.
Students should behave well so as to uphold the reputation of the college. Should not misbehave with fellow students, staff or patients. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct of the student inside the college or outside the campus will invite disciplinary action.
Should respect all staff members and obey the teachers and their word is final
Absence without prior permission or leave letter is not allowed. Leave letter should be signed by parent/guardian. Medical leave can be availed on production of leave letter duly accompanied by medical certificate. Students who wish to leave the college during working hours should get permission from the college authorities.
No students should posses/traffic or consume any narcotic drugs/ liquor in the college or attend college after consuming them. Smoking and Pan chewing is strictly prohibited in the college campus. Any student found violating this rule will be suspended immediately.
Gambling is strictly prohibited.
No one should convene or participate in any unauthorized meeting in the college campus or outside.
No student shall participate, resort to or instigate any protest, demonstration or abet any form of strike. A strike or threat of strike should not be used as means to achieve any of the demands of the students. In the interest of the college any problem should be resolved by discussion with the authorities.
Should not be instrumental in formation or join any association. Violation of this clause will lead to dismissal without any enquiry. Anyone found creating disciplinary problems and mobilizing the students for unlawful activities will be expelled from the college.
Any student indulging in activities related directly or indirectly to caste, creed and religion will be expelled from the college.
Damaging college property in any manner is prohibited and strict disciplinary action will be taken on those found guilty and the cost of damage will be recovered besides suspension.
They should keep their surroundings clean and tidy.
The students should switch off the lights and fans before leaving their rooms and observe strict economy measures in energy consumption.
The college is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings. The student is responsible for the safe keeping of their belongings.
Any complaints regarding amenities, discipline or any other inconveniences should be brought to the notice of the Principal immediately.
Any illness during the college hours should be brought to the notice of the college authorities immediately.
Student should be in possession of their identity cards on all occasions. The identity cards are valid for the entire course of study. College Identity card should not be misused for nefarious activities.
Any change in address or contact number should be informed to the college office immediately.
All students should pay their fees within 2 months of the start of their academic year. The hostel fees and transport fees should be paid in the beginning of the academic year.
Students should adhere to the rules and regulations of the college which may be amended from time to time. Ignorance of rules and regulations of the college will not be treated as an excuse.
The lecturers are empowered to mark a student absent for a particular class on account of his/her misbehavior during class hours.
The Principal reserves the right to suspend or even expel a student in the interest of the college if the situation warrants.
The Principal does have the authority to dispose of all matters related to discipline in the manner he/she deems fit in order to maintain proper academic atmosphere on the campus.