Tagore dental College & Hospital conducts BDS undergraduate course and Post graduate and MDs post graduate courses in 4 subjects that of Oral Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics. BDS is 4 year course with one year compulsory internship and MDS is a 3 year course. BDS course starts during the first or second week of September and concludes with a University examination every year. The University examinations are conducted from 1st august for the regular batch and 1st February for the repeater batch. MDS course has one Basic science examination at the end of first year in May and final examinations at the end of the third year.
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The spread of Corona virus led to close down of college and classes had to be stopped midway. Google meet platform is used to teach the students and review their progress for both the undergraduate and postgraduate students. For the undergraduates theory classes for 3 hours consisting of 2 lectures are conducted everyday. We include guest lectures from teachers outside college for variation in teaching and improving knowledge. Video demonstrations are regularly presented. Seminars are conducted with students asked to present short topics. Theory Tests and MCQ test are conducted through google meet. Small group discussions between mentors and mentees are also conducted. Postgraduate students present seminars and journal clubs and group discussions are also conducted. Their dissertation discussions are done. Library dissertations are presented by the students and corrections done. Monthly staff meetings of the department are organised and plan for the month charted through google meet.