The university examination shall consist of theory, practical and clinical examination and viva-voce and Pedagogy Theory: Part-I: Shall consist of one paper There shall be a theory examination in the Basic Sciences at the end of 1st year of course. The question papers shall be set and evaluated by the concerned Department/Specialty. The candidates shall have to secure a minimum of 50% in the Basic Sciences and shall have to pass the Part-I examination at least six months prior to the final (Part-II) examination. Theory Part-II: Shall consist of three parts namely:– a) 3 Theory papers b) Practical and Clinical Examination; c) Viva-voce; and (iv) Pedagogy. A candidate, who wishes to study in a second specialty, shall have to undergo the full course of three years duration in that specialty.
Every candidate appearing for the post-graduate degree examination shall at least six months prior to the examinations, submit with his form for examination, four typewritten copies of the dissertation undertaken by the candidate, prepared under the direction and guidance of his/her guide. The dissertation so submitted shall be referred to the examiners for their examination and acceptance of it shall be a condition precedent to allow the candidate to appear for the written part of the examination: Provided that a candidate whose dissertation has been accepted by the examiner, but declared failed at the examination, shall be permitted to re-appear at the subsequent examination without a new dissertation: Provided further that if the dissertation is rejected by the examiner, the examiner shall assign reasons thereof with suggestions for its improvement to the candidate and such candidate shall resubmit his/ her dissertation to the examiner who shall accept it before appearing in the examination.
Clinical/practical examination is designed to test the clinical skill, performance and competence of the candidate in skills such as communication, clinical examination, medical/dental procedures or prescription, exercise prescription, latest techniques, evaluation and interpretation of results so as to undertake independent work as a specialist. The affiliating university shall ensure that the candidate has been given ample opportunity to perform various clinical procedures. The practical/clinical examination in all the specialities shall be conducted for six candidates in two days: Provided that practical/clinical examination may be extended for one day, if it is not complete in two days.
Viva voce examination aims at assessing the depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, and confidence and communication skill of the students. DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS: Theory : (Total 400 Marks) (1) Part I University Examination (100 Marks):- There shall be 10 questions of 10 marks each (Total of 100 Marks) (2) Part II (3 papers of 100 Marks):- (i) Paper-I: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of 100 Marks) (ii) Paper-II: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of 100 Marks) (iii) Paper III: 2 out of 3 essay questions (50 x 2 = 100 Marks) Practical and Clinical Examination : 200 Marks Viva-voce and Pedagogy : 100 Marks
To pass the university examination, a candidate shall secure in both theory examination and in practical/clinical including viva voce independently with an aggregate of 50% of total marks allotted (50 out of 100 marks in Part I examination and 150 marks out of 300 in Part II examination in theory and 150 out of 300, clinical plus viva voce together). A candidate securing marks below 50% as mentioned above shall be declared to have failed in the examination. A candidate who is declared successful in the examination shall be granted a Degree of Master of Dental Surgery in the respective specialty