Our vision is to establish a centre of excellence in Dental education and promote the institute as a premise of dissemination of knowledge in a competitive ambience, Commitment to quality, Inculcate scientific spirit, Promote technical and professional competencies, and integrated personality development to inculcate discipline, ethical standards of living, to promote social order and service to the community.
Our mission encompasses cognitive, emotional and physical development of the student with emphasis on social and civic responsibility, offer quality health services to all strata of society with a passion to care for the underprivileged, and to be recognised as a centre of excellence in dental education, research and health care, training our students to be professionally competent and innovative decision makers and compassionate global citizens. In pursuance of our vision, our mission encompasses a road map of development of our institution, which will ensure to build resources and sustain a high quality teaching, learning and research environment by providing state of the art facility to our students and staff, so as to realize the grand ideal of integrating social, cultural, intellectual and ethical values into the human character. We seek to develop in every Tagorian, the ability.