This charter seeks to provide a framework which enables our users to know:
What services are available in this hospital;
The quality of services they are entitled to;
The means through which complaints regarding denial or poor quality of services will be redressed.
This is a Teaching Hospital.
It provides dental care to all patients who come to the hospital;
Standards are maintained in patient treatment supervised by qualified doctors.
Special care is taken for instrument sterilization and waste are disposed carefully.
We insist that all our users receive courteous and prompt attention.
Being a teaching institution and the bulk of work are done by students there may be a delay in treatment.
The Tagore Dental College & Hospital is a Professional College established by the Tagore educational trust in September 2007 located on Kelambakkam-Vandalur Road in Rathinamangalam Village. It’s aim is to generate technical and professional manpower in Dentistry and to provide Dental Care delivery system to the public at large.
This hospital has
Doctors: Adequate as per norms
Nurses and Paramedical staff: Adequate as per norms
Chairs: 205 and all equipments as per DCI norms.
Doctors and paramedical staff wear white aprons and nurses are in blue uniform.
All Staff member wear identity cards.
Pharmacy, Radiology, Clinical laboratory and pathological facilities are available within the college.
Every outpatient seeking treatment at the hospital is registered and issued a case sheet free of cost. This Institution provides specialized treatment to the patients in the above departments at the following timings 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (Except Sundays and Government Holidays).
Duty Doctor is available in major specialties during hospital hours. Duty doctor is available on call in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Emergency cases are attended to promptly. In serious cases, treatment/management gets priority over paper work like registration and medico-legal requirement. Facility of an emergency operation theatre is available for use by this Institute in the Tagore Medical College and Hospital on a regular basis.
Treatment done by students in the Department of Oral Medicine & Dento-Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics are not charged. Treatment done by staff and complicate procedures are charged at a very nominal rate.
This Institution has a Hospital Section comprising of 9 departments in various specialties, which provides the students clinical exposures & experience in imparting Dental Care to the patients.
Department Of Oral Medicine & Radiology
Department Of Pedodontics
Department Of Orthodontics
Department Of Periodontics
Dept. Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Department Of Conservative Dentistry
Department Of Prosthodontics
Department Of Community Dentistry
Department Of Oral Pathology
Portable Drinking Water
Wheel chairs and trolleys are available in the OPD.
Public Telephone Booths are provided in the Hospital.
There is a standby generator to cater to routine and emergency services in case of breakdown of electricity.
Chemist Shops are also available outside the hospital.
Canteen for patients and their attendants is available.
Adequate toilet Facilities for use of patients and their attendants are available.
The cleaning staff, in-house or on contract are effectively supervised.
The hospital shall implement the PROVISION OF PRIORITY SERVICE to patients who are accompanied by senior citizens, pregnant women, the mentally and physically challenged patients and severely medically compromised patients.
The success of this charter depends on the support we receive from our users.
Please try to appreciate the various constraints under which the hospital is functioning.
Please do not inconvenience other patients.
Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean.
Please use the facilities of this hospital with care.
The Hospital is a “No Smoking Zone” and smoking is a Punishable Offence.
Please refrain from demanding undue favors from the staff and officials as it encourages corruption.
Please provide useful feedback & constructed suggestions.
These may be addressed to the Public Grievances officer of the Hospital.
Don’t split here & there
Use Dustbin
Keep Hospital Clean
Give regards to Ladies and Senior Citizens
Tagore Dental College & Hospital is dedicated to provide the Best in Health care both in Terms of Treatment & Patient Experience we Respect your Rights as patient and want you to understand your Responsibility as a patient your care.
As a patient you have the following Rights
Right to be treated with respect and considerable care.
You will not be denied access to care due to race, caste, creed, color, Nationality or disability.
Right to request for any information about your Health Condition, Treatment, Plan of care and be provided with that information.
Right to get information regarding the expected cost of treatment
Right to get preferences for your psychosocial, spiritual and cultural needs.
Right to get protection from physical abuse or neglect.
Right of refusal to undergo Treatment.
You have the right, in collaboration with your Physician to make decisions involving your health care. This right applies to the family or guardian of neonates, children & adolescents.
Right to be communicated within a manner that is clear, concise and understandable. If you do not understand English, you should have access to an interpreter
Right to give informed consent before any procedure and specifically before general anesthesia, and invasive high risk procedures/treatment.
Right to patient confidentiality & privacy.
Right to a fair, fast and objective review of any compliant you have against your doctor or any other health care personnel
Right to second opinion
Right to request for a copy of your medical records on payment
Right to peruse and receive a detailed explanation of your bill
As a patient of Tagore Dental College & Hospital, you have the following Responsibilities
Bring with you all the medical records at the time of your admission or procedure.
Keep up all your appointments and follow up appointments. If unable to do so, please call and inform
Strictly follow the treatment plan that has been prescribed for your condition
Take medications as prescribed by the doctor
Please ensure that you immediately bring to the notice of the management any shortcoming in your care at the hospital.
Do not withhold any information about your condition from the health Care Providers attending on you.
Abide by the hospital rules and regulations
Respect and be considerate of the rights and property of others, including patients, hospital staff and hospital property and equipment.
Do not litter, spit or abuse the Hospital environment
Always maintain silence in the hospital.
There will be occasions when our services will not be upto your expectations Please do not hesitate to register your complaints. It will only help us serve you better.
Every grievance will be duly acknowledged.
We aim to settle your genuine complaints within 10 working days of its receipt.
Suggestions/Complaint boxes are also provided at various locations in the hospital.
We will explain the reasons and the time we will take to resolve.
Name, designation and telephone number of the nodal officer concerned is duly displayed at the Reception. Please do not hesitate to register your complaints. It will only help us serve you better.
Every grievance will be duly acknowledged and rectified at the earliest.