NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.



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It was the vision from The Lord Ganesh to uplift the socially, economically and educationally challenged people in general and youth in particular. That vision became my mission to "liberate people from ignorance". The only way to achieve this is through education.

Success Depends On Inspiration and Perspiration

Prof. (Mrs.) M. Mala, M.A., M.Phil


Prof M Mala is a dynamic, cheerful and hard working person. In recognition of her services, she was honoured with the “Best Women Edupreneur 2015 award by ICT Academy of Tamilnadu on 21.03.2015


“Education is the manifestation of already existing perfection in man” said Swami Vivekananda. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” said Nobel Prize winner Nelson Mandela. Tagore Group of institutions was started with this exemplary vision of “Quality Education to all”. We believe that education is not preparation for life, but life itself.

With 2 Engineering Colleges, One Medical College, One Dental College One Arts & Science College and One school under this group, we cover the major sections of the student’s society. We Tagore group of institutions believes in the discipline of students so that they can be moulded into responsible and humane citizens. Apart from imparting knowledge, the focus is on character building, ethical values and professionalism. We believe in academic excellence, quality education for all and high moral fabric, that will ultimately help in the development of the country

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021