NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.

Our Students Received 3 Gold Medal

Our Students Received 3 Gold Medal

Our college students received 3 medals from TN. DR. MGR. MEDICAL UNIVERSITY for securing highest marks in BDS.

  1. Dr. Karthikeyan ( Oral Medicine and Radiology)
  2. Dr. Janani Bhargavi ( Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge)
  3. Dr. Karthikeyan ( Overall BDS Topper).

Tagore Dental CollegeADMISSION OPEN 2021