Solid Waste Management- The solid waste is collected by segregating paper, cardboard and plastics. The Paper and cardboards are given to a subsidiary of ITC company, WOW (waste out of waste) and they are replaced by A4 bundles of paper. Plastics are collected separately and given away for recycling. Decomposable items like waste food, vegetables and fruits etc are converted into compost by Organic waste convertor and used for growth of plants in the college.
Liquid waste Management- There are two sewage treatment plants, which treats the liquid waste and the treated water is used to water the plants and gardens and the sports ground
Biomedical waste management- The institution has a tie up with GJ Multiclave a Biomedical waste disposal company. The Bio waste is collected separately along with sharps and the liquid bio waste and the Medical waste company collects them every day for disposal.
E-Waste Management- The E wastes are collected and sold to e waste company for disposal.
Waste recycle system- The waste water along with the solids are treated in the Sewerage treatment plant (STP) and the treated water is used for watering the gardens.
Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management- There are no hazardous chemicals or radioactive waste in Dentistry. The waste X Ray developing and fixing solution is taken by GJ Multiclave , Bio-waste management company.