The functions of the feedback committee are as follows:
A questionnaire on feedback on Teaching and Teachers is prepared by the Students Feedback Committee and discussed with the Principal for corrections and alterations. This is then printed or photocopied and distributed to the staff members. Necessary alterations are made on the advice of other staff members or management and fresh one prepared for the subsequent year.
Feedback is generally obtained by distributing questionnaire to the students in the class. This is generally done twice a year. Every staff member gets a feedback about his or her performance form the students at the end of the class, anytime in the year. They are marked anonymously by students selected at random (at least about 70-80% of students who volunteer for the same).
The scored sheets are then sent to the administrative office for computing. The result sheets are given to the HOD to take corrective action and counsel the staff. The results are then obtained by the feedback committee and comparative performances are analysed. The strengths and weakness of each staff are analysed and report prepared and submitted to the Principal for further action. We distinguish between positive and negative feedback. We define positive feedback as feedback on accomplishments, strengths, and correct responses, and negative feedback as feedback on lack of accomplishments, weaknesses, and incorrect responses
The action taken report is sent by the respective Heads of Department. The performance of the staff in the previous and subsequent years is compared and improvements noted. If no improvements are noticed warning is given to the staff.
Based on the requirements of the staff, Teachers training Programs are conducted in the college, specifically on the needs of the staff. The faculties are also encouraged to attend Faculty training programs conducted by various institutions and organizations.
Feedback through questionnaires is generally considered to be relative or indicative rather than absolute. It may be affected by factors such as the timing of the distribution of the questionnaire and whether it is distributed ‘in-class’ or by some other means.
Course goals explain what students will gain from the course. Setting goals is the first step towards structuring the course well. And it can make or break your course, because courses that do this well get great reviews in our marketplace, whereas the ones that do this badly get poor reviews.
A general Feedback on the course conducted in the college is needed to see if the goals of the college is achieved and if restructuring of the course or pattern is needed to improve the curriculum. This gives us insight about the satisfaction of the students, their confidence levels of practising various aspects of Dentistry, the ambience and facilities of the college, the help and assistance from the staff to gain knowledge and skill, extent of course coverage.
The questionnaire format for obtaining feedback on the course concentrates on these core topics
Sr.No | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Dr.M.Narasimman | Chairman |
2 | Dr Tamizhesai | Member |
3 | Dr.Vignesh Vikram | Member |
4 | Dr.Shubashini | Member |
5 | Dr Jai santhosh Manikandan | Member |
6 | Dr. Nivedha Subburaman | Member |
7 | Dr. Israel Nathanael | Member |
8 | Dr Parameswaran | Member |
9 | Dr.N.Narmadha | Member |
10 | Dr.Sarath sarathy | Member |
11 | Ms.A.Vijayalakshmi | Member |
12 | Ms.Archana | Member |
13 | Mr.Harris | Member |
14 | Ms. Sri Janani | Member |
15 | Mr.Moinkhan | Member |