NAAC - Institutional Assessment & Accreditation - B + (from 31/3/2021) Track ID: TNCOGN100628 / AISHE ID: C-45457. Recognised by Dental Council of India - Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt. of India. Affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.



The Department of Periodontics specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and conditions of the structures that surround the teeth (gingiva and bone) and placement of dental implants. It provides knowledge, instructions and clinical experience dealing with the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases affecting the supporting tissues of teeth and their substitutes such as dental implants. In the clinical component, the students are trained to become proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of all forms of periodontal disease, including the management of advanced cases, which require interaction with other clinical disciplines. The students are given personal attention and they are monitored step wise.


Department has knowledgeable faculties who wish to learn and teach everything in depth. The faculties attend many workshops, conferences and discussions to update themselves with latest developments.

The department consists of latest equipments like dental operating loupes, electro-cautery and laser.

Staffs perform all major surgeries, which are assisted by the Interns and demonstrated to the students.

The students (Interns) are encouraged to perform regenerative procedures using synthetic bone graft materials.

Patient education plays a very important role in treatment planning. Patients are explained about the procedures and Consent is obtained from all patients before starting the treatment.

Awareness about oral hygiene and habits are educated to all the patients. The departments conducts awareness programs on World health Day, Oral Hygiene day, Anti Tobacco day and World Diabetic day, wherein patients are educated with videos and posters. The public are screened for oral diseases and counselled; pamphlets are distributed to the public.

CDE programs and guest lectures are conducted regularly by the department for the staffs and students. We have organized Preconference course in 2012, ISP Colloquium 2016 and CDE program for General Practitioners in 2015 and Periodarshan 2019 a rapid Review for final year students. Guest Lectures were organized in 2017 and 2018 for final year students.

Students do journal articles presentations to expose them on how to access journals and to enhance their scientific writing skills.

Students are encouraged to participate in competitions for paper and poster presentations. Clinical research projects are also undertaken by students.

The college objectives are achieved through excellence in clinical training linked to critical thinking and the scientific methods has enabled our students to achieve success in private practice and in academics.

The staffs are allotted students for mentoring. These mentors take care of their attendance and absence, clinical and preclinical work. Test and seminar correction, and case sheet corrections are also done by the mentors

The Preclinical scaling is performed by the students on models wherein they are taught about the grasps and finger rests and the instruments to be used. The students are then allowed to perform scaling on patients under constant supervision.

The final year students are given topics to read every day on which they are questioned.

There is small group discussion in the clinical hours and also show and tell projects.

There is a Google classroom page for the final year students were they are posted with questions and they reply online and evaluated.

MCQ test and spotters’ tests are conducted. Viva is conducted at the end of every clinical posting. Dr. P. Thameem Ahmed of 2011 batch received the University Gold medal

Total Publications - 56


2200 Sq ft.


The clinical posting schedule is put-up immediately as the students enter into their third (3 postings), final year(3 postings) and CRRI(1 month posting)

The mentorship programme is perfectly followed in this department. The clinical cases and case discussions are evaluated by the mentors and viva is conducted along with allotment of cases and at the completion of the cases.

The third year and final year students are posted in the department in batches. The third year students are taught the basics of scaling- grips, rests, instruments, sterilization, sharpening, arrangement of instruments. They work on models before starting on patients. The quota of cases is 75 scaling procedure in third and final year, 5 long case recordings and 5 short case recordings in final year.


Patient registration followed by Examination , Diagnosis and treatment plan under staff guidance with patient consent

Simple cases will be allotted to students and advanced cases to interns followed by examination and investigations for advanced cases, Case discussion, patient education and consent, treatment by students (or) Interns under staff guidance with follow up.

Problem based learning is also encouraged in the clinical department.

List of procedures observed by the students and interns :

1.Flap surgery with graft, GTR, PRF
2.Hemisection or root resection
3.Advanced LASER treatment
4.Ridge augmentation
5.Pedicle or free grafts
6.Resective and Regenerative periodontal therapy
7.Microsurgical procedures

List of procedures performed by the students :

1.Scaling and polishing
2.Oral health education and motivation
3.Case recording
4.Clinical discussion
5.Curettage and Ultrasonic scaling, if their quota of work is completed.

List of procedures performed by interns :

1.Ultrasonic scaling & Polishing
2.Patient Screening/ OP disposal
3.Root Planing and curettage
4.Gingivectomy/ Gingivoplasty
5.Abscess drainage
6.Pericoronal Flap excision
8.Simple flap surgery
9.Crown lengthening procedure
11.LASER periodontal therapy
13.Maintain patient records
14.Fixing appointments for patients.
15.Follow up treatment.

The Department of Periodontology has formulated standard operating procedures for infection control that includes personal protection methods and ware, sterilization methods and mandatory work practices, to prevent transmission of diseases. Disinfected area and workstation, sterilized instruments and ware maintains infection control.

Student feedback will be taken regularly, analysed and discussed with the HOD and other staff members during the staff meetings to identify and rectify the mistakes.


The Department of Periodontology functions from 8.30 am to 3.15 pm on all days except Sundays and National Holidays and half a day on Saturdays from 8.30 am to 1 pm.
The Department of Periodontics and Implantology follows high ethical standards in the conduct of research with the primary goal of “Benefit for Patient”.

List of the Treatment procedure available for patients

1.Oral prophylaxis - Handscaling Demonstration of surgical procedureMaintenance therapy
2.Radiographic interpretation, chair side clinical diagnosis.
3.Flap operation
4.Sonic and Ultrasonic scaling procedures
7.Gingivectomy and plasty Perio-Endo cases
8.Local drug delivery systems
9.Host modulation therapies
10.Resective osseous surgeries
11.Regenerative Periodontal therapies
12.Esthetic concerned Periodontal plastics surgeries and correction of mucogingival deformities and Crown lengthening
13.Implant maintenance therapy
14.Laser assisted periodontal therapy
15.Periodontal therapy with Electrocautery
16.Minimally invasive Periodontal microsurgical therapy

Research works :

All faculties in the department possess knowledge, skill and competence to conduct research and guide students in the conduct of research.


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Dr. B. Bhuvaneswari M.D.S

Professor and Head of the Department

Dr. Bhuvaneswari. B graduated in the year 2010 from Ragas Dental college and has a teaching experience of 13 years. She has a keen interest on periodontal regenerative procedures.

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Dr. T. Parthasaradhi M.D.S.


Dr.Parthasaradhi graduated from Ragas Dental College in 2011 and has a teaching experience of 11 years. He is interested in the field of periodontal research and advanced periodontal surgeries.

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Dr. Juala Catherine M.D.S.


Dr. Juala Catherine completed her Masters in Periodontics from Ragas Dental College in 2016 and has a teaching experience of 7 years. She is interested in the field of Tissue Engineering and regenerative medicine.

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Dr.Abirami.T M.D.S.


Dr.Abirami.T have completed her Masters in Periodontology in the year of 2019 and have four years of teaching experience .Her field of interest is periodontal medicine and periodontal regeneration.

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Dr. Ramya. V B.D.S.


Dr.Ramya V graduated from Vinayaka Missions University in the year of 2010 and have eight years of teaching experience.



It’s the state of the art Induction / Centrifugal casting machine named as LC CAST 600T manufactured by VOP. Its automatic tabletop unit with high frequency induction melting and centrifugal casting. Designed for casting dental cobalt chromium, nickel chromium and precious alloys. Helps in fabrication of metal ceramic crowns and bridges and cast partial denture frameworks and also for fabrication of substructure for hybrid prosthesis in the department of prosthodontics.

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With the increasing demand for aesthetics in clinical practice. Innovative techniques like periodontal microsurgical procedures have been developed to replace the lost interdental gingiva, which rectifies phonetic problems and cosmetic deficiencies, and to achieve more accurate predictability in periodontal regenerative procedures. Atraumatic handling of soft tissues is achievable with periodontal microsurgical instruments by using Magnification loupes.


Power driven Oral irrigation devices plays an important role in promoting the periodontal health by reducing pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, especially in certain inaccessible areas of oral cavity like deep pockets, furcation involvements, implant crown and bridge and orthodontic patients.
It can also be used as a combination with anti microbial therapy.


Plastic Curette scalers instruments used to debride Infected and necrotic tissues around the Dental implant (peri implantitis). Procedure with this instruments not only controls periodontal destruction but also aids in re-osseointegration there by increasing the implant survival rate.
It can also be used as a combination with anti microbial therapy.

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Air polishing has a reliable effect on periodontal disease during maintenance therapy especially in mild and moderate disease. It could remove soft deposits and improve Periodontal health status

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Low-temperature sterilization processes like ultrasonic cleaning system facilitates cleaning of the instruments without the usage of chemicals to reduce the risk of cross-infection.

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A sonic toothbrush is a type of electric toothbrush that uses specific technology to remove plaque and clean teeth. It emits sonic waves — as many as 16,000 strokes per minute — to vibrate the brush. The sonic waves massage the salivary glands, which increases saliva flow and assists with cleaning teeth.


It is necessary to sharpen instruments to maintain efficiency and ensure optimal treatment. It will have benefits like including increased tactile sensitivity for the operator, increased patient comfort and increased control of the instrument. Thus it leads to improved safety for both the patient and operator.

Electric Pulp Tester::

Pulp vitality testing is only one facet of oral diagnosis, which is crucial in monitoring the health of the dental pulp. It provide valuable diagnostic and treatment planning information for the clinician in Endo –Perio Lesions

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The Department Has All Equipments And Instruments As Per The DCI Norms...,

  1. 29 No.- Dental Chair With Light, Spitoon, Instrument Tray, Provision For Airotor And Micromotor
  2. 4 No.- Dental Chair With Light, Spitoon, Instrument Tray, Provision For Airotor And Micromotor And Ems Scaler Unit
  3. 1 No - Dental Chair (Left Handed) With Light, Spitoon, Instrument Tray, Provision For Airotor And Micromotor And Ems Scaler Unit
  4. 1No. -Laser Unit (Diode) – Picaso
  5. 8 No.-Ultrasonic Scaler – Woodpecker
  6. 3 No.-Ultrasonic Scaler – Art
  7. 5 No.-Ems Scaler Handpiece
  8. 2No.- Ultrasonic Cleaner Unit
  9. 1 No. -Electrocautery Unit
  10. 1 No.- Light Cure Unit
  11. 1 No.- Dental Pulp Tester
  12. 2 No.- Micromotor Unit- Marathon
  13. 2 No.-Micromotor Unit Handpiece With Cord
  14. 1 No. -Micromotor Unit Handpiece With Outcord
  15. 2 No. -Micromotor Straight Handpiece
  16. 2 No. -Micromotor Contra Angle Handpiece
  17. 1 No. Airotor Handpiece
  18. 3 No.-Air Polisher
  19. 2 No.-Needle Destroyer
  20. 3 No. -Autoclave
  21. 1 No.-Power Tooth Brush (Colgate)
  22. 1 No.-Sonic Tooth Brush- Evis
  23. 1 No. -Water Pik Irrigation Unit
  24. 2 No.-Patient Education Tooth Models
  25. 30No. -Operator Stool
  26. 4No. -X-Ray Viewer
  27. 3 No.-Steel Trolley
  28. 7 No.- Double Bottle Suction
  29. 2Sets- Computer With Lan And Internet Connection - Cpu, Monitor, Key Board, Mouse
  30. 1 No. -Printer
  31. 1No. -Implant Maintenance Kit (Hu-Friedy)
  32. 1No.- Microsurgical Instruments Kit
  33. 1No.-Arkansas Stone Sharpening Kit (Hu-Friedy)
  34. 1No.- Loupes (3.5x) + Led Light
  35. 1 No.- Physiodispenser